Saturday, July 28, 2012

Layers of existence..?

In the wake of my dreams, I like to contemplate existence whenever I can. Consider this view: existence is layered. The layers are as follows: the physical, the emotional, the ideal, and the Truth. None of these layers ever exists without the others, but it is possible for one layer to have dominion over the others for a certain aspect of existence. Now, let us consider the premises upon which we will develop this argument:

1) Everything is. Everything exists in some form, even if it isn't real. (Example: dreams.)
2) Nothing is something. The non-existence of something means that its opposite exists, and vice versa.
3) The layers of existence dictate everything that happens, even if they don't want to. Everything is a sign.

The first layer of existence is the physical layer. This is the layer which we come in contact with most of the time. It's anything that you can touch, smell, see, hear or taste. This is the easiest layer to interpret, because it requires nothing special to interact with it.
The second layer of existence is the emotional, which isn't physically accessible, but the emotions we feel arise out of interactions with the physical world. These emotions are what make living creatures different from the non-living. Emotions such as happiness, grief, melancholy, and so forth are what you'd usually find in the second layer. In this layer, discrepancies start to appear: some people are more emotional than others. This may refer to the range of emotions they know, or the extent to which they can dive into a certain emotion, or both. Different people are at different levels, and that is a byproduct of how they grow up.
The third layer of existence is the ideal. This layer includes anything that you can find in the noumenal realm. This layer contains all of the ideas and ideals. Ideas are, as I can best put it, mental constructs. However, I should note that they're not necessarily human mental constructs. Ideas are beings in a different form from us humans, but they lack conscience. They are alive, but without their conscience they can't act on their own behalf and thus need instruments to be expressed, and we as humans are instruments of theirs. The hive mind, the collective consciousness of the universe, is where ideas are. In this layer of existence you can also find ideals, like love, courage, and the likes. Sometimes people mistake them for emotions, but they are ideals. The difference is that ideals are the ultimate, limitless good that we could use to build a utopia. Emotions aren't that.
The fourth, final, and top layer of existence is the Truth.

Collectively, the Truth is the source of everything else that is. We could violate the Truth, but we can never deviate from the course before us. It's not ours to create. It's the Truth's.

God bless.


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