Saturday, January 14, 2012

Finding the Truth?

I've been torn apart by this thought lately... the essence of existence. Not life, but existence. Here's the thought:

We, as humans, seek the truth. We live searching for but never finding it, and we pass on whichever clues we found to those who will live after us in order to continue this search. Yet, over all of the years during which man has lived, nobody has found the truth and passed it over to others. Is it that the truth is actually non-existent? Or is it that the truth is so simple to the point that we cannot comprehend it?

When searching for the truth, we think about the essence of life, the point of existence and the nature of man. But, what is the truth that we seek? What will it explain? Does it serve any purpose? Does it actually exist?

It seems that the closer we get to this truth, the more it eludes us. The further we go on in our chase of this truth, the more we realize how futile our devices are and how imperfect we actually are. It seems as if the closer we think we are to the truth, the more it tears us apart and torments our souls. It's as if the truth itself is what is leading us astray of it, but to what end?

Perhaps all of our established premises are wrong. Perhaps there is no truth.

But is it possible? Would existence without truth be possible? Wouldn't that demand the non-existence of anything that isn't part of this truth, and is inherently false? Is there a truth or not to begin with?

...and then we think again. What can't we comprehend? Humanity has reached the point of arrogance where it claims that it can explain almost anything with time. We can come up with all of the different scientific theories and experiments to explain the world, but we can't explain why it is so in the first place.

The 'truth' that I have found is that the truth is not a 'thing'; not an idea, not a physical object, not an emotion. The truth was, is, and will always be beyond our comprehension. We are confined to a world with a set of paradigms, and we can only seek the truth outside the borders of these paradigms; outside our confinement.

The truth is something that we know is there but can never understand. It is by design that we cannot face this truth until we've  been released from our paradigms by whomever made them. Is death the answer then? Is it that death is the truth? That's possible; but death is part of the paradigms, and therefore cannot be the truth. Ladies and gentlemen, the 'truth' we've been looking for for so long is God.

God. He understands, but cannot be fully understood. It is beyond our capacity in this life. Omniscient and omnipotent he is. You might be thinking now, 'But, if God is the truth, why can't we prove to us that he exists? Why can't we prove that he exists?' The answer is simple enough. First off, He is testing our faith. Second, it's by design. Let me elaborate...

We cannot prove God's existence because we are creatures, while He is the creator. He has showed us the way to him through faith. He has given us two different, double-edged blessings: the mind and the heart. The mind will observe, explain and analyze what it meets. The heart will judge what to do and how to act. Both of these faculties were put to test with two other gifts: logic and faith. Logic will be the device of the mind, and will be monitored by the heart. Faith will be the device of the heart, and will be monitored by the mind. The point is having the two work in harmony: whatever the mind's logic can explain should strengthen the heart's faith, and whatever can't be explained by the mind's logic should be accepted by the heart's faith.

That's where the basic drive behind our existence comes from. The mind can't rationalize the existence of God, but, with the help of faith, can accept it. Find this balance and you have found the way. The problem is, some people choose logic over faith because it's what appears to be right to them. Faith can't be proven and can't prove anything, while logic can. Thus, when logic is chosen over faith in explaining God's existence, one can reach the conclusion that God doesn't exist. The problem here is that the premise is false: the logic which is being used is faulty. God doesn't exist; He is. God is.

This is the truth to me. I may be right, and I may be wrong. Perhaps you agree with me, and perhaps you have another opinion. Perhaps every person's view on what the truth is is different. Perhaps the actual truth is different for each and every one of us. And perhaps it still doesn't exist. Perhaps the truth is a lie. We'll never truly know, but we can choose what to believe in.

God bless.


1 comment:

  1. Day man! This is a great concept in words! Obviously some people will still not be able to understand this but these words I feel can really change perception! You did it man! Day! EveryDay! God Bless!
