Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Do you fear death?

Hello. Do you fear death?

You've probably asked yourself that question before, but have you actually thought about it? I believe that we, as humans, don't fear death. In fact, we even experience it on a daily basis. You're probably wondering how. Well, don't you go to sleep every night? You probably do. When you go to sleep, do you have any guarantee that you will wake up the next day? You don't; you just sleep because you have to. It's the same thing with death; we die because we have to. But it's not the death itself that we fear, but rather the journey to the unknown afterwards. We've become so familiar with this world and we're not ready to abandon it for another one. The following is an excerpt from the lyrics of 'Animae Partus' by Pain of Salvation:

"To become is just like falling asleep.You never know exactly when it happens. The transition, the magic. And you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line, then you would understand everything. You would see it all."

So, since becoming is just like falling asleep, death is just like falling asleep. Substitute the words 'falling asleep' in the quote above with 'death', and reread it. It should make more sense now.

God bless.


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