Why does the truth elude us? How valuable is the truth? Do we seek the ultimate truth because we are predestined to, or is it just because others have done so before us? Is the truth the same for everyone? is there a truth in the first place? Is it that we can't find the truth, that there is no truth (which is a truth in itself), or that the truth is what is actually leading us astray? If the truth is what purposely leads us astray, is it still truth? Since the truth itself is unknown, is humanity's venture to find it worth it after all? Can we create a different truth? can we live without any truth? Is it truth that gives purpose to life, or life that gives purpose to truth, or are both just a misconception of humanity's? Would life be worth it if it all made sense? If, upon reaching the truth, one realized that what made it precious was the journey, would they still share it or would they keep it to themselves? Is it the truth that leads us onto the false paths and ways, or is this part of human imperfection? If perfection demands the existence of imperfection, does perfection still really exist? Is existence subjective, objective, or both? Why do all contradictions seem to agree on the same basic principles? Does one choose his own principles, or do the principles choose him? Why is life clearly vague?
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