Sunday, March 11, 2012

An Apology?

This is an apology that has been overdue for a long time. First of all, I'd like to apologize for not being enough. I could have been much more, but many times I've favored not being so and then regretted it later on, and this apology is directed towards myself and everyone who has wanted me to be more. Secondly, I'd like to apologize for those in whose lives I exist, without them liking it. It is not my choice to be in your life, and neither is it your choice to be in the lives of others, but so it is. Perhaps the purpose is to learn how to accept one another, and perhaps there is a much greater purpose that we might not understand yet. Perhaps when we age we will understand it, and that's when we'll understand why nobody else has passed it on to us. Thirdly, I'd like to apologize to all of those people whom I've been bad to. You may have noticed it, and you may have not. I may have noticed it, and I may have not. I'd like to apologize for all such instances here. I do not apologize out of pity for others, but out of pity for myself.

Seeking retribution to be at peace with one's self is important, after all.

God bless.


P.S.: Perhaps the secret of life has been there all along, but only manifesting itself to those nearing their 'death'. It is then that they understand it, and also understand why nobody ever passed it on. Oh, how I long for the holy union of death.

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