Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Between being asleep and awake..

Every night, when you go to sleep, something magical happens. That transition between being awake and being asleep... that moment of nothingness...

(That moment of nothingness... what is it? How does it happen? And why? Could I live there? Is this what a coma is like? Is this just to give us a taste of what being nothing felt like?)

That moment right before you actually sleep, when you close your eyes and stop thinking, and are ready to slip into the dream world... that is magical. That moment when you are at peace with yourself; when you forget your worries and forgive life... that moment of belief in the existence of something greater, a purpose perhaps.. a purpose that gives you the will to live until the next day. You only die when you fulfill this purpose or completely give up on life. And in that moment, you feel a glimpse of light in your heart, and the light of God is shed unto you just for a moment. Then you are asleep, and it is gone.

I believe in magical moments.

God bless.


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