Sunday, May 20, 2012

Having power... or the lack of it?

This world of ours is full of dangers of all sorts: physical, psychological, mental, and so forth. These dangers will, in some way or another, place the person (or people) upon which this danger is inflicted in pain. But the danger is not in the pain itself, or the consequences of that pain. It's a far more grave matter than just pain. It's the destruction of a small idea that carries within it much more than meets the eye.

Imagine the following scenario: a man is held at gunpoint by another man. The man with the gun is now inflicting emotional pain on the unarmed man because of the unjust power he has over him. Then, at the moment he fires the gun, something completely different happens. It's not about the unarmed man.. it's not about him being wounded or dying. It's about a very deep change inside the man with the gun. He's now lost a part of him that he will never be able to get back again. The pain that he will be in now is far greater than that of the other man.. the other man will either be healed or be dead with time. But the other man will live in death, praying for salvation and forgiveness, or descending into self-anarchy by giving way to himself by killing more people. It's that loss of power of his self that automatically comes with the power he gains from the gun. Power is too dangerous a thing to possess.

So, in a sense, this is a universal law. Once a man allows a source of power from outside of himself to take over him, he loses the power of control over himself because it's now been externalized. That power may cause addiction, and with that corruption is almost certain to come. The real problem starts occurring when those who are in power are the same people who have no control over themselves and only lust for power, and that is exactly what we're facing today. Look at the world right today: new scientific discoveries are made by the day, companies are innovating and making money, and new cities are built everywhere. But is this good? We're not looking at the other side... moral corruption, in all its forms, is tearing the world apart. Look at all the extremists who belong to no religious or ethnic groups, look at all the great gap that is constantly growing between the poor and the rich, and how each considers the other to be his enemy. Look at all the corrupt ideas that people are being fed. It's not a matter of how much we can create, or how elaborate our tools are, but a matter of how good our hearts are. Without our good hearts, we are nothing. What are we without a good will and a strong heart?

And thusly, this raises an important question: should the people who are in power today be in power, or have they lost their good wills in their pursuit of more power? The lust for power is what has corrupted the hearts of men all throughout history. What the world needs is not a revolution of men, but a revolution of hearts. If each free man, woman and child could simply refuse to be a slave for those who are in greater power, we will win. Not because we're greater in number, but because we're living for this idea that can't be destroyed. The idea lives even if we die. The reason for why we'll win is because we are the ones running the machine. We are inside it, and sadly most people accept it. If we choose to stop running, the machine will collapse and then we can start anew.


+ Related quotes:

- "I'm not afraid of what you have just done, but of what you've just become." -- Miakel Ã…kerfeldt, from the song 'Weakness' by the band Opeth

- "Ideas are bulletproof." -- Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski, as V, from the film 'V for Vendetta'

- "Let's start over again. Why can't we start it over again? Just let us start it over again... and we'll be good. This time we'll get it right. It's our last chance to forgive ourselves." -- Matt Bellamy, from the song 'Exogenesis: Symphony, Pt. 3 (Redemption)' by the band Muse.


God bless.


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