Friday, August 17, 2012

God, creation and existence..?

Taking on the view that God is an all-powerful being, a paradox arises: How did God create creation (as a universal mechanism)? A similar question: If God exists, did he create existence (again, as a universal mechanism), or was it there before he was (meaning he didn't create it and therefore cannot be the true god?) While these questions cannot be answered with a definitive reply, a counter-argument exists: the problem with these questions is that, to form them, we have used our own faulty logic. We, for example, tend to think of Time in a linear manner, where one thing happens after the other. However, God, who created Time, may have made it so that it's not linear. A quick look at quantum physics also suggests that, in some theories, time is not linear, and that we can (theoretically) travel in it if we can access the higher dimensions of our physical universe. Since we can't yet, we can only move in one direction in time: forward. Another example of logic being at fault is the assumption that our view of time applies to God. View it as such: God always is. He's never in the past nor the future. He is always in the present. He is the present. Think of this as if we're living in one single moment of time that repeats itself infinitely, meaning that there is no past or future. They're just illusions, and all we truly have is the present. In the same manner, God is always the present if this view is true. Since we can't know, we shouldn't judge. We, as humans, should be free to question all authorities (but with limits, of course), but we should never definitively judge them if they're higher than us (in this case, them meaning God).

But why do we, as humans, sometimes refuse the answers? Why do we refute the existence of God? Well, again, the problem is us being faulty beings. Man is too arrogant to believe. Overcoming this arrogance is the key to belief, even if it has nothing to do with religion. Once you accept that some greater entity than you exists, you will believe.

God bless.


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