Monday, August 6, 2012

Other forms of existence..?

Choice, chance, power, illusion, creation... what are these? Ideas? Quite possible. But then, thinking again, they're different from most ideas. They seem to be closer to ideals than ideas, but they're neither this nor that. As far as ideas go, they follow the definition of them being elaborate mental constructs, but what kind of mental constructs (and whose) are they? As far as ideals go, the aforementioned forms of existence can be found in almost all situations and forms of existence, but they are not goals that can be developed but never fulfilled. So, neither the former nor the latter choice is a description of what they are. However, whatever they are, they point to an important idea: that there is a creator. Consider this: can you, as a human, create? Can you imagine something that isn't like anything you have ever seen? Here's an example: if I told you to imagine a creature, you'd automatically assume that it either has a body or doesn't. Why can't there be a third choice? If we were truly able to create, the choices would be infinite. However, since we are not creators, we can only mix and match between the things we know to make something new. It's impossible for humans to create, and thus Man cannot be God. It is only God who could have created the elaborate mechanisms of  things such as chance, choice, and power. It also only Him, the true creator, who could have created creation. This is very similar to this thought: what was there before there was Time? We don't know. We can't know. This simply re-enforces the idea that God is there, and that he is the one and true creator.

Since I am still in the first stages of thought as to what the forms of existence I listed earlier are, I will be visiting this topic later once I've developed this train of thought more. I'm thinking at the moment that they are the pillars of the house of existence, but I will need to work on this mental construct further in order to understand more. In the meantime, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments.

God bless.


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